Newquay Towan Blystra Lions Club held their annual Charter Night at the Sandy Lodge Hotel in Newquay last Saturday.
It was a very enjoyable and successful evening which 63 attended, including guests from as far afield as Rochdale and Dursley.
Lion President Phil Bunt said: “I had so many positive comments from people, especially about the food. Straw Dogs were an excellent band who had everyone up dancing. Our tombolla and auction of donated gifts brought in over £500.”
In addition to a number of presentations, including bannerettes to new visting clubs and the District Governor elect Marianne Warren, the President presented Lion Jodie Ward with an Appreciation Award for all she had done to develop the Leos Club since they were formed last year.
He also thanked Ann and Colin Ransley for their hard work in organising the night.
A special guest was John Cuthill, chairman of Newquay Rowing Club, who presented a bannerette from the club president of Lake Boga Lions Club in Australia, Dave Mark. The gift had been given to John to take back to Towan Blystra Lions while he was on a recent visit to Australia.