A new partnership Has been forged between Towan Blystra Lions & the youmg people of Newquay. The Scout & Guide Association have linked with NTBL to offer a chance for the young people to get involved with Community Service within the area. The initiative is called Young Leaders In Service (YLIS) They complete either 50 or 100 hours serving the community organised through their association. On completion, they will receive a certificate & a badge. They will also have had invaluable experience of serving their community. it is hoped that in the future they will have had an insight into Lions Club International & eventually become a member continuing their invaluable help.
Receiving their Awards from TBL Vice President Jon Collins are Izzey & Explorer Scout Eden, who worked with the Brownies. Explorer Scouts Iona & Megan who did their service with 5th Newquay Scout Group.
The presentation ceremony took place at 5th Newquay Scout Hut, also included several Chief Scout Awards presented by Benneth Webster who has come up through scouting from a Cub Scout with 5th Newquay, to reach her present role of Cornwall County Youth Commissioner. The Gold Award is the highest honour young people can earn as a scout & is the culmination of 4 years hard work & dedication covering leadership, creativity,survival skills & many other outdoor skills as well help in the community.
Benneth also presented Bronze Award to Zoe aged 7 this being the highest award for Beaver Scouts, The first such honour for 5th Newquay for many years,
Pictured:- Lion Jo, Lion Jill, Vice President Jon, Lion Danny, Eden, Iona, Izzy, Megan,Lion Lesley & Lion Bee