Every month, Lions President Lion Phil Bunt writes a column for the popular Free Trader publication, which is delivered to every home in the Newquay area. Here is this month’s offering:

Lions President Lion Phil Bunt

As the new president of Newquay Towan Blystra Lions it gives me great pleasure to be asked to write this regular monthly Free Trader column about our club.

Ours is just one of the 46,000 Lions clubs across the world which makes Lions Clubs International the world’s largest service club organisation. Lions do whatever is needed to help their local communities and that’s the philosophy of our 27 men and women members who are aged between 21 and 70. We also have a separate junior branch of nine young people who are under 21 and form our Leos group.

But what is also really important about being a Lion or Leo is that we all have fun doing this and enjoy a varied and fun social calendar in addition to our charity work.

Members put as much into the club as they reasonably can and we welcome anyone to contact us who is interested in finding out more and potentially joining our club – we guarantee you will have a very warm welcome.

Over the past month we have supported Newquay Lions Club with their Carnival and I presented the trophy at our first Brains of Newquay quiz at Newquay Golf Club.

I was delighted to formally present a vital life saving piece of equipment to Cornwall Air Ambulance – the laryngoscope – it is the very first air ambulance in the country to have one.

I am due to compere the St Newlyn East Band Brass and Voice concert on August 18 with Newquay Rowing Club singers on behalf of our club and on Sunday August 19 our Leos Club are holding a fund raising picnic on the Killacourt with various stalls and events to keep everyone occupied.

In addition members of our club are helping with the clearing and refurbishment at Newquay Skateboard Park to bring back a well-used local facility.

It’s all go! Keep up to date with us at www.newquaytowanblystralions.org.uk.