Every month, Lions President Lion Phil Bunt writes a column for the popular Free Trader publication, which is delivered to every home in the Newquay area. Here is this month’s offering:

The unseasonal weather hasn’t helped many in the town and our Leo club which consists of nine enthusiastic young people were no exceptions after the wind and rain dictated that their fun day on the Killacourt on 19 August had to be cancelled.

Lions President Lion Phil Bunt

It was such a shame as I know how much work had been put into it but when I met with them that morning at 9 o’clock and it became obvious that the event wasn’t going to go ahead their sense of disappointment was tangible. Nevertheless they are already planning to have the event during September hopefully and all the efforts which have been put in won’t go to waste.

Ironically, it was on that same day that the rain cleared by early afternoon to leave the sea and weather conditions absolutely perfect for nine makeshift pilot gig crews to set off from Newquay Harbour in support of Children’s Hospice South West (CHSW).

One of them was a crew comprising Lions Andy and Barbara Hannan and myself with the very able assistance of others including one of Newquay’s top rowers, Peter Nkwo who guided us through our paces with patience as numerous crabs were caught en route to the start line and during the race itself.

We came a satisfying seventh but winning was not the name of the game – it was the taking part and raising funds for such a worthy cause as CHSW. We’ll look to improve by next year’s event!

On the previous evening I had the great pleasure of chairing the St Newlyn East Band Brass and Voices concert which included Newquay Rowing Club Singers and the talents of the musical family of Diana, Rachel and Sophie Peters. The  village hall was full and everyone enjoyed the variety of musical entertainment as well as me making a fool of myself when I almost had ‘Happy Birthday’ sung to the wrong person!

The band are kindly donating some of the proceeds to our Lions Club to assist us in helping other good causes – many  thanks to them.

It has been great to receive a number of requests for our free Plugsters which help those with difficulties in pulling out  electrical plugs now do it with considerable ease. If you, or anyone you know, feel they could benefit from these devices please contact me. The details of the Plugsters are on our website.

We are now actively planning for the next three months running up to Christmas and one date for everyone’s diary is  Friday November 9 when Johnny Cowling will be performing for us and we will be donating the proceeds from the evening to Cornwall Air Ambulance. Full details will be available soon but, in the meantime, please make a note of the date in your diaries – should be a great night.

As always, if you would like to know more about our club and what we do, or if you feel you might like to join this vibrant and enthusiastic group which has members aged between 21 and 70, just get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.