It is with a very heavy heart, that we must announce the passing of Lion Ken Clarke MBE in the early hours of Saturday, 1st October 2011.
Ken was a Lion for many years, with both Newquay Lions and later, as a founding charter member of Newquay Towan Blystra Lions. He was a past District Governor of 105SW – as he would say “Simply the best!”.
Despite Ken’s illness over the last couple of years, he was always smiling, happy, and cracking a joke – testament to his enduring personality, and the belief that there were people in the world a lot worse off than he was.
Lesley was a pillar of strength, and never let her or Ken’s community duties fall by the wayside whilst also being a fulltime carer.
We will all remember Ken, and keep a special place in our hearts for him, not only as a stalwart of the local community, and a Lion, but most importantly, a friend. We will miss him dearly.
Our love and thoughts are with his wife Lion Lesley, and of course the whole family at this time.
Details for Ken’s Funeral have not been announced yet, but we will post details on here as soon as these have been released.
Pictured above is Ken, at a recent event in Newquay with fellow Lion Andy Hannan, and his Wife, Lions President Lesley Clarke.