Oll an Gwella made the most of their appearance at Newquay Beer Festival on Saturday as they used their performance ‘slot’ to say thank you and to enable some presentations to take place.
The occasion enabled Rob Spowart, as Oll an Gwella Spokesman, to say thank you to Towan Blystra Lions who had generously contributed £250 to the costs of recording and producing the group’s 2nd CD. As a result, the recording production costs were quickly met and all money now raised from sales is being given to their chosen charity “Cornwall Blood Bikes”. Representatives of Cornwall Blood Bikes, Jayne and John Penlerick, Dave Trudgeon, Ian Butler and Brendan Hale were delighted to receive a cheque for £2,500 from Oll an Gwella. This sum was made up from both CD sales and donations made to the group for their performances in recent months.
Thanking the group for their generous donation, spokesperson Jayne Penlerick confirmed that by way of a response to this and earlier contributions from Oll an Gwella amounting to a further £3,400, the group were invited to name the latest CBB Fleet bike to be brought into service. Oll an Gwella had decided to acknowledge the inspirational fight that Andy Pappin (tenor singing member of the group) had shown as he had worked to overcome both the effects of a life-changing Road Traffic accident and an aggressive form of cancer. Andy died earlier in the year and, as a tribute to his memory the new bike was named “Andy yw an gwella” which means “Andy,is the best”. A St Piran’s flag was used to enable Debbie (Andy’s wife), Kevin (Andy’s brother) and Rose (Andy’s daughter) to unveil the bike’s inscription.
One further cheque presentation was made by Towan Blystra Lions to Jan from the Sunrise Centre in Truro. The cheque represented a donation made to help support Andy and Debbie following his Road Traffic Accident, but the couple confirmed that they would be happier for the money to be presented to The Sunrise Centre.