The acts for the evening pose for a photo, with Lions President and evening compere Phil Bunt on the far right
St Newlyn East Band recently held a successful Brass and Voice concert, which featured the Newquay Rowing Club Singers, St Newlyn East Band, and the soprano voices of Diana, Rachel and Sophie Peters.
The community event was compered by Newquay Towan Blystra Lions President Phil Bunt, with the monies raised being split between St Newlyn East Band, Newquay Towan Blystra Lions, and charities through the Rowing Club Singers.
President Phil Bunt said: “It was a fantastic evening, and everyone seemed to enjoy the entertainment greatly. We must say a big thank you to all the Peters family, Rowing Club Singers and of course the band for all their hard work and support.”
Newquay Towan Blystra Lions have a long-standing relationship with St Newlyn East Band, and the junior training band took part in the concert, wearing the uniforms that the Lions club purchased for them last year.