Four members of Newquay Towan Blystra Lions, joined by volunteers from Truro Lions, helped Children’s Hospice South West with the marshalling of this year’s Rainbow Run which is one of that charity’s main fund raising events.
Well over 1,000 runners took part in running the three-mile course around areas of RAF St Mawgan and the Lions performed various tasks including helping with car parking and throwing some of the colourful ‘paint’ which means everyone running (and the volunteers) manage to finish the day looking something like rainbows!
Amongst the runners were two other members of the Towan Blystra Lions. Matt and Sarah Bunt ran the course with five-year-old son, Henry and 11-year-old nephew, Bradley, plus some friends.
Captions: (1) Lions Lesley Baize, Lion President Jill Bunt, Lions Phil Bunt and Danny Baize at the event
(2) Lion Sarah Bunt and son, Henry (both pictured right) taking part in the race. Photo: Jack Morcom-Ankers
(3) Lion Matt Bunt gets caught running through one of the paint stations.
Photo: This is Newquay – see many more photos of the event at <iframe src=” plugins/post.php?href=https% 2Fphoto.php%3Ffbid% 3D564788725862740%26set%3Da. 392480213093593%26type%3D3& show_text=true&width=500“