A contingent of Newquay Towan Blystra Lions members and friends including president of Sidmouth Lions, Graham Rossiter, joined over 100 other Lions and guests at this year’s District Convention and came away with the best Environmental themed fancy dress group prize at the event’s party night. Dressed as a combination of bee hives, bees, a sunflower and a bee keeper, the group also presented the judges with a jar of honey from the bees of Towan Blystra Lion Patrick Stanley. Not a bribe of course (!?) but, it might have just swung it.
The annual meeting of Lions International members from across the the south west of England was held at Croyde Bay Holiday Park between 14-17 March.
Caption: (left) Lions Phil Bunt, Danny and Lesley Baize, Lion Jill Bunt, Jill Bernard, Lions Graham Rossiter and Chris Bernard at the convention.