Charities and good causes which support the Newquay and district area are being invited to take part in this year’s Brains of Newquay Quiz where literally each team’s good cause will walk away with AT LEAST £50 and the top three teams could win up to £400, £300 and £200 respectively.
The annual quiz this year will take place at Newquay Golf Club on the evening of Sunday 5 June and will form part of the Platinum Jubilee weekend celebrations. It will be open to 20 teams of maximum four players to take part at just £10 per team which covers the cost of a pasty supper.
Each team must be representing a charity or recognised local good cause and the prize money will be paid direct to those causes represented after the quiz. There will a specific Royal Jubilee themed section of questions so start buffing up on your knowledge of the monarchy.
The prize money is from Newquay Towan Blystra Lions Club’s community fund which contains the money raised from the club’s activities during the course of the year such as Newquay Beer Festival, Santa’s Sleigh and other fundraising initiatives.
Lion President Jill Bunt said: “This is always a very popular event and we hope this year will be no different. It is a novel and fun way for us to redistribute the funds we raise from the very generous people of our town and further afield.”
To register an interest in taking part just email your name, the name of your team and the charity or good cause you would like to support to or give us a ring us on 0345 833 4981. We have to limit the number of teams to 20 and would like to try and have each team represent a different good cause. Therefore, once we have received your email or call we will review these details and may ask some teams to consider changing the cause they wish to represent if they are already being supported.
Applications should be sent by Monday 25 April please and, if we have had 20 teams express an interest before this date we will close applications earlier than this but will post this on FB/website if this is the case.
For Info: Planned prize distribution is:
1st prize £300 (£400 if team also wins a category round prize)
2nd prize £200 (£300 if team also wins a category round prize)
3rd prize £100 (£200 if team also wins a category round prize)
Six category round prizes of £100 (Each team can only win one category round prize)
14 consolation prizes of £50 (payable to any team which has not won another of the prizes)