Newquay Towan Blystra Lions Club members met up with other volunteers from Cornwall Blood Bikes at the Royal Cornwall Show and, in front of a large crowd at the Western Morning News Stage, presented a cheque for £1,000 to the group which provides an out of hours delivery service of items of a medical nature, like blood.
A spokesperson for Cornwall Blood Bikes said: “Our services are available to our NHS partners from 17:00 in the evening to 07:00 in the morning Monday to Friday and 24 hours over Weekends and Bank Holidays. Our riders deliver and collect from the hospitals and hospices throughout Cornwall and sometimes beyond.”
Newquay Towan Blystra Lions secretary, Phil Bunt, said: “A member of the Blood Bikes came to one of our meetings and explained the importance of the work they do and the funds needed to support its ongoing commitments. All of our members agreed that this was a very worthwhile cause and charity, run by volunteers, who were benefiting those in need across the county when normal resources were stretched or not available.”
If you are keen to get involved and to become a volunteer of the Cornwall Blood Bikes service the service would be delighted to hear from you. They are always looking for volunteers to ride, to help with our fundraising initiatives, to coordinate their calls, to help plan and coordinate their events and welcome any who would like to be more involved by joining our committee. Just visit to find out more.
Newquay Towan Blystra Lions are similarly keen to hear from anyone who would like to help their ongoing fundraising and service efforts for good causes locally. Just give Phil an ring on 07971 031575 for more information.